Friday, July 12, 2013

Liebster Award Nomination

How exciting!    I came back from vacation today to find that my blog has been nominated for the Liebster Award.   A special thank you to Charlotte at Making Each Day Count for this nomination.  I am honored!  With my blog being so new, I am honored that so many of you are finding me and joining the fun!

The Liebster Award is given to blogs with less than 200 followers.  I am currently at 40 which is an honor in itself.  :)   There are also other criteria that I need to follow:

1.  Link back to the blog that nominated me.
2. Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator.
3.  Share 11 random facts about myself.
4.  Create 11 questions for my nominees.
5.  Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
6.  Contact my nominees to let them know that I nominated them.

I've got my work cut out for me, so here goes....

Here are the answers to Charlotte's questions:
1.  What are three teacher websites you think are under utilized but couldn't imagine not having?
I could not live without my  This is the website that hosts the app Teach that I use to create and publish my videos on.   This app is fairly new and is extremely user friendly.   The second website I could not survive without and my Dropbox account.   This website lets me share documents, work on my documents from all of my technology, and helps to keep me organized. The last website that is a must is Teachers Pay Teachers.   TPT has been my life saver this summer!  I have found some awesome ideas and am thankful for the teachers that post and share their freebies.

2.  How are you spending YOUR summer? My summer is being spent between ball fields and the computer.   I am trying to find new differentiated ideas that meet the Common Core Standards.  When I am not at a computer I am on a baseball field with one of my boys (which is where I was on vacation).  :) 

 3.  Why did you start blogging?  This is an easy one.   I started blogging to share the idea of flipped classrooms and to show that they can be done at an elementary level.  I wanted to create a collaborative workspace for those interested to meet and share ideas.

 4.  How do you overcome or manage pencil issues in your classroom?  My classroom troll eats them!  :)    This past year I gave in and decided not to fight the pencil battle in my room.   I ask for pencil donations in the beginning of the year.  I put them in a drawer for kids to just come and get.  Lost pencils go in there too.   This way there is never an excuse of not having a pencil, they know where to get one.

 5.  What is your favorite movie?  With three young boys, we still watch a lot of Disney movies.   I really liked the new Monsters University movie.

 6.  What routine or procedure will you change for the upcoming school year?  Why?  This is a hard one.   I think every year I need to change routines and procedures.  Sometimes I don't know until the new group of kiddos is in there.    I think the big one that I am going to focus on this year is how to work in groups and be responsible for your actions during this time.   Last year my kids as a whole did well, but a few could have done better.   I would like for my group time to work like there is an adult with every group (even though we know that is not possible).

 7.  What would you be doing if you weren't an educator?  Yikes!  What would I be doing?   I would have to say probably something with technology somewhere.  I'm not sure though what. 

 8.  Where do you like to shop for your teacher materials?  We do not have a teacher store near us.  I do a lot of my stuff at the Dollar Tree or online.  Of course my favorite is TPT.  :)

 9.  Who are the special people in your life?  My three boys are the most special people in my life.  They make me laugh, cry, and everywhere in between.  I am extremely proud of them!

 10. Who was your favorite K-12 teacher?  What impression did they leave on you?   My favorite teacher was my high school biology teacher.  Strange because I went into elementary education. 

11.  What was your favorite show growing up?  I loved Little House on the Prairie.

Eleven Random Facts About Me
1. I do NOT like feet...unless they are baby feet and they are so cute.  Otherwise, feet stink!
2. I showed horses growing up.
3. I can NOT cook.  I have about 5 dishes that I stick to and that is about it.  I would love to learn though.
4.  If I could, I would move to leave near the beach.
5.  I do NOT like mice!   They scare me!   I can do snakes and bugs and spiders BUT not mice!
6.  Even though I love technology, I have no idea what I am doing with it!  :)   I just love to get in and play to see what I can figure out.  I'm that hands-on learner.  Can you tell?
7. If I had time for a hobby, I would love to do photography.  
8.  My favorite vacation spot is Disney World.  It is just a magical vacation.
9.  I do not like to clean.  I secretly wish I had someone who would clean my house.
10. My favorite food is Kettle Corn Popcorn.
11.  This is my oldest son's baseball number.

My Eleven Questions for My Nominees
1.  Why did you go into the education field?
2.  What is your favorite hobby?
3.  What three technology teaching tools could you not live without and why?
4.  Why did you start blogging?
5.  What do some of your favorite bloggers do in their blogs that you love?
6.  If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
7.  If you could change anything about education, what would it be and why?
8.  What is your favorite thing about teaching?
9.  What is your favorite teaching memory?
10.  What is at the top of your bucket list?
11.  Who is the most inspirational person in your life?

My Nominees
1. Eberpolis
2. Thoughts of a School Supply Junkie
3. 2 Brainy Apples
4. mylifeasaliteracycoach
5. Adventures in Third Grade


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