Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Going on a Blog Hunt

I am really new to this blogging thing but am already really loving it!   I've started using Bloglovin to follow all of my favorite blogs.     Check out the button to the right where you can follow along.    I'd love if you would follow along on my blogging adventure and maybe offer lots of suggestions and support.
I've started this blog to document my adventures as a third grade teacher who is implementing an elementary flipped classroom.    My goal with this blog is to create a place for teachers who are interested  a place to share our experiences, collaborate on ideas, and celebrate our success (and failures) together.  
Please leave me a comment to let me know you are following.   If you have your own blog, leave it in the comments so that I can add you to my Bloglovin.    Click on the Blog Hunt Log above to check out some other blogs and go along on a blog hunt with me!


  1. I am really glad I found you! I am a first grade teacher in a 1:1 school. All of my kiddos have Macbooks. I began to test the waters with flipping the classroom last year but am excited this year to fully dive in! You will be a great resource for me! :)

    Learning to the Core

    1. Amanda,
      I am so happy you found me! Isn't it amazing what kids can do with computers? :) I am not 1:1 but my principal has found me 4 extra laptops to put in my room to help with my flip and it has been a big help! Keep an eye on my How To Flip You Classroom posts. My next one is going to be what and how to flip. I will be highlighting two methods that I have used. I will also share a GREAT app I found about January last year that changed my flip but it saved me soooo much time! :) I look forward to hearing from you and if you have any questions please feel free to email me.

      I'm now following you on bloglovin.


  2. Can't wait to read more about your classroom! I heard about flipped classrooms at a Teach Meet last month, but it dealt more with older kids. I teach a 3/4 class and I wondered how it would work for my kids. I'm your newest Bloglovin follower. :-)

    Renee J
    Growing a Teacher

    1. Renee,
      I am so glad you are here! I've taught a 2/3 combination class before and LOVED it! A flip would work so awesome in your class and help you deliver grade level content to each grade without trying to juggle time in class. Flipping started out in high schools And much of what you hear will be about high schools and maybe some middle schools still. Not many elementary classrooms flip yet. I'm not sure why but it is coming! :) I think many elementary teachers dabble in it but don't know they are doing it. And others think they kids are too young. As an elementary teacher you of course have to modify the flip to meet your children's academic and developmental needs but it can be done. I really hope you give it a try. I think you will love it! My next two posts in How to Flip Your Classroom (they are coming soon) might answer more of your questions on how/what this would look like for you. Please email me if you have any specific questions.

      I'm now following you on bloglovin. :)


  3. Hi Jennifer! I just found your blog through Laura’s linky, I’m your newest Bloglovin’ follower!
    Science for Kids Blog

  4. I can't wait to hear more about flipped classrooms on your blog. I wish I could have a flipped classroom but I can't since I'm working in a private school overseas with all ELLs. I'm following you on Bloglovin, too!
